
June 18, 2015

The Art Of Being A Woman

I feel a lot of passion about all things feminine and beautiful, unique and creative. For a woman to be modest she doesn't have to wear drab clothing or a bag over her head; in fact, we can embrace our modesty and femininity by being creative in how we dress. I recently found out about a magazine called Darling: The Art Of Being A Woman, whose message I find very inspiring.

Our culture is anti-feminine in so many ways that I was very surprised to find out about Darling magazine. It makes me happy to read things in Darling's message such as "beauty apart from vanity," "women without degradation," and practicing the "arts of virtue, wit, modesty and wisdom," and saying that we are "here for a purpose" and not just per-chance; even hearing the word "femininity" alone is all so surprising! For about the past 50 years it has seemed like certain important attributes of our sex have been greatly diminishing. The basics of our feminine qualities have been lost in so many ways. Judging by things I've been coming across lately, though, it seems to me that femininity just might be coming back in style, slowly, but surely. I've seen this in websites, magazines, and even in clothing - isn't it interesting how vintage clothes are "in" right now? Go into many stores now and you'll find 50's dresses, maxi skirts, rompers, and cute swimwear that remind me of the adorable swimsuits that Allie wears in "The Notebook."

Our culture tells us that in order to be real women we must wear whatever we want, do whatever we want. Now, I think that some of the feminist ideals are good, such as the stance that we should always have equality with men. However, our society has taken this too far. In different ways, many women have degraded themselves to be below men. More than ever, women are being treated like objects, and the saddest part about this is that the majority don't even realize it. I am ashamed that our culture has actually come to the place where it's telling girls that you can use your body to get what you want. It seems that women are viewed as objects, to be used for men's own pleasure, and our society tells us that if you don't act like an object, you will not be appreciated; it is the only thing you are good for. I recently read a post online in which the writer said she saw another article stating that "women should bare 40% of skin to attract men." Girls, do you really want to attract the kind of man who want to use and look at your body as an object? Do you want the kind of man who will be attracted not to your wit, intelligence and inner beauty, but rather to your skin and outer appearance? It is not the outside of you which defines you as a person. It's the inside. What lies in the heart and personality is what truly makes you, YOU. I also believe beauty on the inside will show itself in how you present yourself on the outside. Remember that what you wear and how you act hint at what lies inside you.

"No matter how plain a woman may be, if truth and honesty are written across her face, she will be beautiful." 
-Eleanor Roosevelt

June 09, 2015

Summer plans

I have so many cool things planned for this summer. I will be starting July off with a nine-day backpacking trek in the Stein Valley, where I'll be hiking with 14 other teens and two chaperons. I'm quite excited about it since we have a great group of people going. The trail also has some interesting history with the Aboriginal people.

Following this hiking trip, I will be heading off to Whistler to see my cousins who are vacationing there for a week. We've planned lots of mountain biking, hiking, and swimming, so it should be a lot of fun. My cousins and I usually spend the end of July at Piers Island, where my Oma owns a cabin, but this year will unfortunately be the first year that we won't have this annual Island family reunion, because...

...I am going to Piura, Peru! Yes, that's PERU! I know, I still can't quite comprehend it... One of the things on my life bucketlist is to see South America, and when my dad found out about a FSSP mission that is going there, my opportunity arose. I will be there for ten days and doing work such as distributing food and water to the poor, working at the local parish's school, orphanage and clinic, and helping to build houses and other facilities. I can't wait to get to know the people and culture there, and from what I've heard, Peru is a really neat place.
Many people have asked me if I'm going to Machu Picchu, and unfortunately, I'm not... it's not exactly near where I'm going, and plus it wouldn't be safe for a white girl to travel in Peru alone. Maybe someday I will go back to see that fascinating place in the Peruvian mountains, but it's not for this year.

After Peru, my parents and I are heading off to the Rocky Mountains to go camping and hiking. My family has gone to the Rockies almost every summer for quite a few years now, and we just can't get enough of its glorious mountains, meadows, and lakes. They honestly seem to get more beautiful every year... I can't wait to go back again.

Finally, after all of these adventures, I will have one or two relaxing weeks at home before the school year starts up again. These weeks will probably be spent picking the produce of our yard, with all of its blackberries, apples, beans and various other fruits and vegetables, and during the really hot days we'll most likely hang out at the lake with friends.

June 05, 2015

Music Playlist

The school year is soon drawing to a close, and I have definitely found myself longing for summer. I tend to revamp my music playlist every few months, and always make a fresh one at the start of my summers. So on some of my recent studying breaks I've been busy accumulating songs, some old, some new. In fact, I like the idea of posting mini playlists on here - I think I'll do more of them every once in a while! Each one I do will probably differ a bit in genre and style.

Overall, grade 11 was a good year, however, it was also very busy. Next year I'm hoping to make more time for art and music, particularly piano. I won't even have a lot of time for them this summer because I'm gone almost the entire two months. It's funny - every year I tell myself that I'm going to have a relaxing, low-key summer mostly spent at home, and every year that ends up not being the case... Oh, don't get me wrong, I am very excited for the summer ahead of me (I will write about it soon), but I would like to try and make next year's summer months a little more slower-paced if I am able.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the playlist, as well as the amazing hot weather we've been having lately!

June 01, 2015

Shoot for the Sun

When I was a little girl, I believed that the sun was heaven. Yes, that big ball of fire in the sky above us was heaven. I never quite decided if heaven is a place where God lives, or a place of God's Being - as in a place so consumed with God's love and presence that it just is God.

Now this concept made sense in my six year old and developing mind. It is difficult to imagine, especially as a kid, heaven not being a place and not having a specific location. Therefore, I decided to believe that heaven was the sun.

Sometimes, I still think that heaven could be the sun.

Think about it.

Its energy sustains all life on earth. Without it we wouldn't be here.

We can't reach it, or even get close to it. Not while our souls are still in our earthly bodies.

It is, quite literally, the "light of the world."

And the stars - those miniature versions of the sun - are God's angels and saints, sent out to watch over the world while we sleep. Or, perhaps they're the light from the lanterns they carry through their nightly vigil.

As a Roman Catholic, I believe that in everything we do, we must strive for perfection, with heaven as our ultimate goal. "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect..." (Mat 5:48) Christ calls us to be mediators of his love, and to spread the message of the Gospel to the whole world. He tells us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and visit the sick and imprisoned (Mat 25:36), and in doing these works to the best of our ability, we are striving for perfection.

We are called to do as much good in the world as we are able. To spread happiness and love wherever we go.

So walk in the light, and shoot for the sun... "because even if you miss, you'll land amongst the stars."